
to be honest the scene is generally like that. i went to chinatown fair when it used to be in chinatown NYC from like 1991 - 2000 and the crowd is exactly like what Archaotic mentions. in fact i almost got into some fights cause there are some shit talking sore losers out there lacking social etiquette. i play local

No. No. and HELL NO. dude compare it to the PS1 version and the only thing about the GC version is that it looks inherently prettier. but voice work, gameplay, and even cutscenes are changed for no damn reason. trust me i've played both and there is a big difference. if they can just make a prettier version of the

..... hmm lemme see

PSV? hell yes its gonna be sweet to have a gorgeous lego game on the go.

in a perfect world, everything about MGS1 stays intact. the only thing i would ask is to revamp the graphics. it doesn't even need to look like MGS4 , but a least a true MGS1 remix in which the graphics look nice and smooth but dont touch anything else in the game, leave the voicing, cameras,gameplay the same. i

yea seriously Twin Snakes is an abortion. i pretend like it doesn't exist.



"thank you! i thought i was crazy. im like wtf is this bullshit.... i hope they never do that for any future RPGS.

come again? why am i stupid? im curious to hear your explanation.

Hearted <3 this is brilliant sir

thank you! i thought i was cray. im like wtf is this bullshit.... i hope they never do that for any future RPGS. complete waste of time. unfortuantely the sour taste that FF13 left in my mouth is making me skip 13/2 so im pretty much waiting for FFX HD and VS13

"but one of the most disappointing things to me was that they failed to create a world that I could give a shit about. "

the battle system was great in FF13 but the upgrading in that game sucks BALLZ. seriously ive never seen SE outhink themselves the way they did with FF13. Story was ok but def spun out of control. one of the few FF where you really cant afford to take time off because recapping events is a bitch imho.

OMG that looks hilarious!!!! that needs a music video!!

he sees what you did there.... in other words you are so dead meat.

"But, it might look an ostrich, and it won't be created by Otacon and Sunny."

click on the link. they state it is a unpainted prototype. i got scared too at first lol. im DEFINITELY treating myself to this for next year.

i agree. but SOny should get cracking on some real slick interface. its time for another overhaul.

no father i won't join you!! inside you lies a jedi! i know this to be true!!! :D