
"or on the inner left quadrant of the darkest part of my ass on a sunny afternoon"

you give me hope for this cruel world. m sure he will be stoked as hell. i'm like this myself, but i wa starting to think this type was running extinct.

i have a million dollar question. if i already have a plan with ATT (which i do for my iPhone) wouldn't it be smart to offer the service at a discount to current customers, if we cant get the 3G service for free.... im curious to see what they plan to do about this issue.

you are one COOL older bro. just sayin (^_^ ) /tips hat/

SECONDED. this is very moving and puts gaming in a positive light.


i want to hear your reason why you feel itunes is fail. is it the prettiest or most lush or open source media player ever? no. but is it the most useful,simple and intuitive media player in a LOOONG time? i would argue yes. iPod doesn't kick ass and take names without iTunes, simply because iTunes was the first real

im sorry but the most anticipated game in history is sitting in my drawer in shrink wrap, and im about to play the hell out of it today and tomm. its called Batman Arkham City. and after that im dead to the world on Nov1,2011.

if its Kotobuyika then you know it will be sexy as hell. i hope you are correct

Now playing

OH MY STARS...... DRIFT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! lol i cant wait to rape this game. btw a better video :) YOURE WELCOME :)

sorry dude :D


"I swear this generation has the most spoiled kids." YUP.

im with you! i really wish kaiyodo would make ZOE figures. they did an EXCELLENT job with Neon Genesis Evangelion.


believe me, i hope its out by January 2012. it will give me something to do during the week while i wait to go snowboarding on the weekends :) im curious why there is no listing for the game on gamestop, yet the last guardian is listed and is not even done i have faith we will get it between Jan-Feb


well early could be Winter or Spring... it did not state a month unless you found some info i missed when i read the post the first time lol

-Amazing Art

wishful thinking lol im sure that sucker would cost like 5,000 easy lol.