
that one is slick, but i like the fact the pouch i pictured has a zipper, so it will def secure that badboy.

true but i saw Akira in 92, i was like 15 dude!!! lol im now 33 so its been 15 years..(wow crazy how time flies) off topic... when the fuck is Akira being released on Blu-Ray?

i saw Akira in 92... i was 15 years old lol. im now 33, so yes its been a while. if u feel old at 22 imagine i am 10 yrs senior to your age :P

i agree.... its just that for that price id rather have the bike. i do have to admit it does nail the design to a tee... but there is no way i even buy this unless i have a bike to begin with... if i was a millionaire would i buy it? yeah i would... but u better believe id want a super sexy bike to go with it. :D

for 900 bucks u better throw in the bike or no !@#$ING DEAL!

nice they have it in black. thats what im getting. wonder if i can pre-order online?

LMAO!!! ok that was funny as heck (^_^ )

i would gather that shaping the future is more important, than waiting for your competitors to do it for you. that's one of the reasons SJ was so great.

he's been accused of hating the PS3, 360, PSP, and the DS. good thing he dosen't have to play videogames for a living. (( -_-)

i have to say... the thing is god awful and hideous. and my son just got his yesterday. hes not getting a new DS so its the slide pad or bust. kinda mad nintendo for once shafted the user base... this add on looks just as advertised, tack on. now it may play great.... but the elegant design it once had will be marred

cmon catwoman? cat-like reflexes and abilities? WORK WITH ME HERE lol :P

the "bow pose" in yoga would like the say hello.

LMAO. it had to be said.

Caller: hey Mike, what do you think the line-up for the Yanks will do against Kosuke Fukudome?


i just verified with a image search engine.... it is the the same person.. holy fuck i want a MGS wallpaper done by Gobeur like RIGHT NOW dude.

METAL GEAR ANIME SERIES...... MAKE IT NOW!!! that looks awesome (manly tears)

i want this konami.. but damn where is my

read below.

it has little to do with gamers and you know that. this is about an opportunity lost. SE for what is worth has been reduced to milking every other unsuccessful FF game but the one that ppl adore and loev to death never got a remake... gamers didnt fail there, they did. and to further compound Square Enix themselves