
"The Final Fantasy brand was damaged"


i agree with you that the fanaticism for apple products has gotten out of hand,but drinking the kool-aid of anything can be bad for you... apple or not.

we'll be all dead when that happens.... a shame really.

u deserve a star. i would give you mine... i would just miss promoting great comments like this one :)

alright.. fine!! ill go back under my bridge..... (^_^ )

every time theres a new apple features or devices people say how its already been done... which is very true. i mean its not like ipods, were the first mp3 players, and iphone were not the first smart phones, and ipad was not the first tablet. even though everything apple mac makes isn't amazing they sure have a

wow talk about level 3 Bazinga lolololol man that was well played sir.

Voice Acting changes, COntrols, and musical score. it was like a guy going to see the doc for a routine physical and then leaving the doctor office will like 3 they should have not tinkered so much with it.

and the time travel digital clock display on the stylus screen was the finishing touch!

great entries but that BTTF with the flux capacitor was killer :D

me too glad i waited. another game to burn my wallet.. but my ps3 will be happy :D

nope. im keeping my iphone 4 im not upgrading till iphone 6 (^_^ )

i feel you dude :D heck if i could have ZOE3 first then hell yeah

i refuse to play Twin Sankes ever AGAIN. no way homie. :P id rather play PS1 port.

" What nutbag actually keeps naked pictures of their self on a cell phone? What if you accidentally leave it somewhere or something? Why on your phone? "


times like these, i wish super heroes really existed. cause you know Namor the Sub-Mariner and Aquaman would lead legion of sea folk and animals against these barbarians, and hand out ass whoopings.

im sorry but all of you crying foul over the show need to find yourselves a nice cozy room, a plush pillow to lay your head on, and a blankie to sleep under.... smh

truth be told i never care for RISk so id be buying it simply because my MGS fanboy genes told me to. off topic, kinda sad face no more info on MGS Rising. yeah its cool we get HD COllection in 2011 , but still , not even a trailer? fail.