
i agree with you, but riddle me this sir...

i did it. but it was FUCKING HELL. after i got all the ultimate weapons, i got counseling.

"because there are technical difficulties in doing it"


u deserve a star.

yeah i dont think sony is done printing money with MH, MH4 is a foregone conclusion. capcom has had its greatest success with that franchise on PSP. so logic would dictate on PSV it should be smash. especially with the new networking ideas in PSV it could really be the difference in whether is better on PSV or 3DS.

it isn't and you're right. you're trying to be impartial about the subject, i dont want you to get the impression that i am saying you're ok with any of this.... but KKK is no different from a gang, only diff is gangs get profiled more because they move around more, while kkk likes to be a bit more stationary.

and i want this on my rightside of chest.

if they want to preach hatred thats their deal, but when they still single out beat up and kill minorities... yes i have a problem with that. unfortunately they still try to carry out acts of violence.

right now im torn between getting the a40's or the PS3 headset. i need some headphones so i can blast the audio for late night gaming.

as a fellow NY'er i have this to say.... u deserve another star on ur profile. i hate to say it but americans by and large never learn from history... which is why we keep slipping on that banana peel and burning our bridges. we are supposed to be founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all, yet this

i know many will disagree with me, but i honestly think the 3DS was rushed for one simple reason.. Playstation Vita. because even before the thing was out, waaayyy too much positive press was rolling out about it, and the big boys were on board and are seriously supporting this thing. the 3DS is the first time

word is a new PSN overhaul is in the works. so they could be preparing the backend of the store for the update. they did this a lot right before PSN got its overhaul. also keep in mind they may be ironing out the security end after the whole fiasco earlier in the year.

it makes me cry a little inside that FF13-2 will be the big showing at TGS while we still wait for info on VS. truth is if VS is no ready to launch in JP by 2012. we will not get our hands on it till spring 2013. the state of that game has become a mystery to me.

damn this looks PRETTTYYYYYYY. and damn TGS is here already? wow time flies when ur waiting for FF13VS.

see that i did not know. its just that if i bought him the 3ds i didnt want to be on top of him to tell him how to use it. so for now has the DSi XL. im going to look into that.

"Or maybe it's a 3D-free 3DS?"

i hear you.. but rehashing games is how they have been tryin to make money. so if they are going to multiple games based of FF7 (dirge of cereberus...PUKE) why not remake FF7 and be doen with it? SE shot themselves in the foot with that fabled tech demo getting people to game boner all across the world lolololol. so

i need that engraved on a plaque and i will pay to have it shipped to SE's office same day delivery.

im just being a dick. i know its coming, its just it should have been nuked at the board meeting when it was being thrown around. im not buying 13-2 ill wait for VS thank u very much. im nt even done with 13 as it is.