
doing a sequel to FF13 just feels like fast food dessert whereas spending time on a a classic would really invigorate SE . but what do we know we only made them rich and famous in the 90's by buying everything they made from SNES up until PS2.

i would co-sign on that ASAP. but this is SE we are talking about . they dont make sense nowadays.

only because its Silicon Knights i will wait for the flood of reviews. i still cannot believe TH was so ghoulish and abysmal. however every dev deserves a second chance. so i will wait and see. im always down for a good superhero/mutant game.

we must be brothers separated at birth. i said it before and ill say it again SE could save the company by

wow just checked gamestop site... its 20 bucks NEW. im getting it this friday. it seems by what you say that it is more than adequate and playable. i did enjoy the hell out of the demo. thanks for your input.

oh get out of here with your hating.........

i have to agree. i didnt know what multiplayer fun was on the PS3 until i bought that game. and before warhawk i swore off online multiplayer ... spacehawk is loking like more good times to be had.

"To this, Loki responds, "I have an army." Stark's eminently quotable and awesome response? "We have a Hulk." We then see the Hulk roar, and the footage ends."

ok that was funny :D

sorry if it came off that way, but honestly ive been reading articles from him about sports and have been blown away. i think your comment was a bit short , so i wasn't sure if you were really being sarcastic. my apologies on that (^_^)

Owen is the sports specialist. his sports knowledge should not come as a surprise, unless you are truly new here.

that is a sexy list. and thank you for including Super Mario World. that game is so amazing and under-appreciated.

1.Gravity Rush

oh dear....

OMG you made my day!!!

please sony let this be a launch title.. PLEASE. im already reserving the PSV and this game. i just pray its out at launch. im ready to drop money on at least 5 games when PSV drops.

true, but he doesn't even mention that fact. and the truth is unti December the 3DS is a paperweight for now. its just that it was a 250.00 paperweight and people finally voted with their wallets by not buying a system with no games. i hope by next year the 3DS and PSV are slugging it out, its great for there to be

ok he doesn't have white hair and a red jacket....

troll senses are broken. you're right though. its been a while since i've commented on here.

he paid the cost to be the boss, and now he's fired...errr damnit. my pun-ometer is broken today.