
ok.... and u pay 170.00 to play what games again?

Lumines comin to PS Vita......

as the mayor of the err.... cyberspace i hand you the keys to the city...errr inetrnetz!!!!

same here. only came to read comments. i want to have mind blown on my hdtv when i pop in the game.

dude you should read my rant lol :D

my take,



i hear ya.

sweet thank you sir! now i have a reason to get netflix.

oh shit im signing up for netflix. SCORE!

aw cmon man nobody here is calling you a hoe.... ooooh wait you meant the state, sorry ... carrry on. :D

damn u beat me to it!!

me too im gonna torrent every episode cause i know i missed some . lol yes im torrenting P&P

P&P are sadistic lol i love it :P

well good news is some of former guys from ratchet and clank series are working on it. so it should be solid at least .


what did i tell you about coming in here with common sense? GET THAT OUT AND DONT COME BACK YA HEAR?!?

its gonna have trophy support.... its all gonna be ok :D finally a MGS game with trophies to collect. this should be interesting.