
This show is awesome on so many levels. I hadn't noticed those parallels! Thank you for sharing them. Hannibal just blew my mind even more.

Not only is that harsh, I take strong exception to your words, particularly "Thank you, God, for explaining to the hoi polloi something that was already incredibly obvious to anyone with the intelligence of a domestic dog".

If by "creepy" you mean "hot", then I think we're in agreement.

Ah, bummer. I hope curiosity doesn't translate to eating.

I have to respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree.

I finally understood the pain felt by non-Americans after reading the biggest Downton Abbey spoiler of all time before the season even aired. It was in the headline of a news aggregate, and I had no control over seeing it. I was so bummed. But at least it didn't ruin my Christmas. Lol

I don't know that we need a character to root for in every single episode. Not knowing for sure what was happening kept me on the edge of my seat all week long!

The good thing is, in the context of the show, it's oddly almost more horrifying to see them eat this innocent little bird than what/who we think is Freddie Lounds.

I figured you were joking, what with the juxtaposition of "everyone here is awesome" and "yo mama". But it's the Internet, so you never know. Lol

I thought Buster was the dog's name. Lol Maybe I'm confusing him with another dog.

Lol You keep making me laugh through all of these threads.

Hahahahahaha That's awesome. At first, I was like, "What?" Lol

I'm really impressed with how educated people are here. And non-hostile. Lol It's a rare combination. I dig it. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites.

I'm one of the ones who do kind of buy it. I definitely thought "setup" until this last episode. Now I'm not so sure.

Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying the discussions on here. Even with everyone who disagrees with something I said, it's all intelligent conversation with other people who love the show. So thanks, everyone. :)

Yeah, I totally botched that one. I was confusing him with Peter for some reason. I have no idea how I did that. Lol

All true, although he did create Tree Man because he was finally feeling inspired. All the flowers, yk. Well, it took months to grow, so it could go either way, I guess. Lol

Well, he has semi-retired it, anyways. He did do Tree Man, after all. And he's still eating people. That's not going to change. Lol

Do you watch the show? All answers lie within… ;)

LOL That's awesome! And I would be one of those crazy Tumblr people if I had more time right now. My few spare moments are spent voting for Hannibal on… lol