
Hahahaha Share!

I hadn't heard that before. Cool! Makes perfect sense. The man is a genius. No doubt about that.

True, but couldn't he have displayed those same emotions if he'd pictured killing Hannibal instead?

Interesting. I guess (post-Anthony Hopkins) I've always thought of him as being a little human. Sure, he completely lacks empathy (unlike Will, who feels complete empathy), and that is what makes Hannibal scary to me. But I think there's more to him deep down inside. Mads is playing evil as a lack of morality rather

You're totally right. For some reason, I had it in my head it was Peter. I have no idea why. I take that part back. Lol

Oh, good catch! I thought that the fish they caught was obviously safe, lol. I think you're right. Still a somewhat risky bet, though. Not sure I would have that much faith in the idea.

Personally, I thought the film itself was okay (not terrible or great), but I did enjoy learning about Hannibal's bg, why he became what he did, etc.

Of course the dog was okay. He had to be - the dog was bait. If Buster hadn't been yelping, Randall couldn't have lured Will into the woods…

So, for the last couple of episodes, I thought for sure Will was just trying to reel Hannibal in, that Jack was behind him 100%. Because, honestly, when Chilton threw his hands up in the air and begged, "Please", Jack had this look on his face like he knew there was no way this little, weasely guy was a cannibalistic