
I like the new features, going to take a while to get used it though. The direction that they took with Lion isn't involving the mouse and cursor anymore, it's using the desktop space as an actual desktop. The gestures definitely indicate that with the swipes, pinches, and inertial scrolling (is that what it's

I preferred MobileMe to this iCloud moniker and their logo for it was perfect too, with the cloud and and all.

Agreed. As we are now in a more connected state, a whisper of a revolution can take place in no time at all. Which is also why I feel digital magazines will definitely be the de-facto standard in the near future just because information moves so fast that if they are on the internet somewhere already, they will no

I'm glad someone brought it up. I read comments about how iOS UI is stale and boring and how they could've spiced it up somehow. But if your time is spent mostly inside an app, wouldn't the UI not matter as much? A grid of icons is just the entrance to the apps that reside in the phone, which is why we have smart

I don't know if it's been brought up yet but this might actually be good for Apple, you know, hiding out in the open. Apple says this is what we have Samsung and if Samsung announces something along the lines of phone/tablet with "Inspired by Cupertino" all over it, then everyone will know where lightning struck the

I don't know if your cynicism is showing, or I actually presented some valid points, but thanks for acknowledging my remark! I don't mean to sound anything at all like I'm picking sides between any camp, that goes for any brand not just Apple and Google, but my comment about Android being a mammoth on the specs page

I think what the Android market does is listen too closely to the boisterous tech community. In that, techies want a knockout device that is awesome on paper but hit or miss in actual product form. Apple is trying to find the middle ground where specs might not be what everyone expected, but darn it all if it

Let's not discount the fact that said restaurant might just be fancy enough to have a spare charger around to "help out" our friend with his depleted phone.

Yes, you can almost feel the hate as each letter pressed on the keyboard is like a shotgun blast to the recipient.

Anyone else also get irked when television shows have an audible click whenever someone uses a remote control in the show?

I am on a Team Whiskey build also on my Vibrant and also own the first iPad. The Vibrant works well as a tinkering device, in other words looking for apps that are available for it and checking to see if there is an iPad alternative to use. The majority of the time I prefer the iPad version of the app, just because

What I got from this is that regardless of internal space, you should always backup to an external should something go awry. And also just because a hard drive is as gargantuan as 2TB, doesn't mean you can throw everything and not worry about it. Hard drives fail, and data is probably the most important part of the

Every big tech company, every major company's big strength should be marketing. RIM is not just out to cater to the business-folk, they are out to convince anybody with cash in hand.

Kinda impossible to deface San Francisco even more with a mere paint job on the curb.

Flame wars aside, I think both are equally strong on their goals. iPad is giving customers the feel that they are accustomed to, and Android is giving users the desktop experience while at the same time leveraging their existence in the smartphone OS category.

Verizon has a lot more of their reputation at stake because of their late entry. AT&T is constantly trying to appease its users and by all accounts they are holding their own. But Verizon needs to come through with flying colors where AT&T has had their shortcomings.

Awww, it's already 2011? I still have 39 minutes of 2010 to suffer through. Might as well read through some comments to get me psyched for the new year.

Blu-Rays are phenomenal, they display images in such clarity that it redefines the distinction between a simple movie watching and a movie experience. With that said, I think lately we have all succumbed to the technical aspects of things, not just video. I am probably echoing some of the other sentiments here but a

Whoa, flashback! iSub, is that you?

@pmbaustin: Very, very true. It's up to the user to choose the font. With that said, stop using it so damn much!