
@RaindropBebop: I imagine along the lines of the melody from "Like a good neighbor State Farm is there". But you know, auto tuned.

While Android's endeavors are to be commended: their space in the mobile telephone industry, and their attempt in the virgin tablet industry, their stance right now seems to be saturate the market first, worry about customer satisfaction later. And personally I think that they need to be a little bit more 50/50 on

Let's all not jump to conclusion and assume Beatlemania will hit in the 2010.

@beenyweenies: Total agreement on all points. Glad someone realizes the Tab's faults and not just bashing Matt. Also interesting point about the future of tablets on the Android platform with this iteration.

Wasn't this on an episode of Futurama where Fry can't sleep because the robots next door were playing cards?

@Byron Brummer: I can see where Matt may have glossed over many aspects of what Android has to offer in the field of tablets. But in all honesty, when the OS (in this case Android) was just dumped into a tablet form factor, what else can you say. There is no optimization from Google (yet), their foray into tablets

I can already tell from some of the commenters that some may think this is a biased review. But in all honesty, the Tab had to live up to a really high standard. Had the Tab been the ONLY tablet around, I'm sure some of its shortcomings could have been forgiven.

Purchase the software because you know you need it. There should never be a reason why we need to fill up our hard drives with a counterfeit just to say "I might need this in the future".

@G-Ram: I have acknowledged that request, and I will definitely release a special add-on to the album. Complete with a special cover art of me looking thoughtfully at the sunset while stuck in Los Angeles traffic.

@Norbs: I was going to do a remix on that album. I was going to mix in some arm-outside-the-window-tapping-on-the-roof sounds. You know, just to give it that Carribean vibe.

I like how we can all band together with our virtual pitchforks and torches and storm the castle doors that is her Facebook page.

@Al Alexon: Completely agree, if one does choose the route of the App Store for their needs, they can feel confident in knowing that someone is making sure no funny business is going on. But sometimes I tire of reading about Apple's control, how everything is so big brother-ish, and so on. Choose whichever works

I've come across many postings stating that this is just another way of Apple controlling you or that you have just entered their system with no possible hope for an escape. I think that this is just another outlet by which users can purchase otherwise unknown productivity software. There have been numerous times

Wait, how are the residents of SF supposed to fill out their baggy clothes if they can't pack in the empty calories that Happy Meals provide?

I'll need the appropriate song to play while I pour out a 40 oz. If everyone can bear with me for a second, I need to fast forward to the Gangsta Lean track that's found on my Homiez mixtape.

Hilarious icons rule, Giz! I can read less now and focus on squircles!

@NewSc2: Whoa, a posting that doesn't pit spec sheet against spec sheet. Its the benefits of the iPad with a beefed up OS and an app store that will probably start serving up more juiced up versions of their iPad brethren.

Maybe they could kill off the entry level Macbook line and in its place could be the new Air with instant on with its full OS, and replaceable SSD?

I can appreciate a CEO taking the offensive whenever his company's name is mentioned in a less than stellar light. But in RIM's argument, or pretty much any would be tablet maker's argument, theirs is just pure speculation at the moment. They can assume a 7 inch tablet is what the masses will be clamoring for and