
That. Is. Brilliant.

So glad someone brought this up. Anything with a prefix of "i" and didn't come from Apple HQ, needs to learn how to either make a better product or hire a better team of people to come up with a unique name for their wares.

In response to your quip about the small corner in the top right of the iPhone, I think he was also alluding to the fact that while the green area is the usable portion of the radius of his thumb, on a much more bigger screen your thumb would have to travel a little bit more to reach a more significant portion of the

We've all thought differently with him at the helm. I know I did. I saw wonderful new typefaces when I bought a used PowerMac G3 and used OSX for the first time. I learned that software can actually work with you instead of frustrating you to no end when I used Macs more and more on a daily basis. I learned that

Picture is appropriate as he was always on the wild tech frontier. Never content to sit behind some desk and crack the whip. His CEO status has hopefully taught the current generations of CEOs that it's perfectly alright to fail so long as you learn from it. I'm sure quite a few people here can insert their

I abhor traffic cameras I really do, primarily because in the areas where they have it installed, rarely work. They flash needlessly and it always seems to be setting me up whenever I cross the median. But in this case, the speed limit is 30 and everyone should respect that. If they go 30, then they don't need to

Very, very cool. I can see some people being kicked into the sand traps but, they had it coming.

I was a strong skeptic when the Mac introduced their app store built in, but especially when Lion came out only then did I fully believe in this model of app sales. So convenient and you're notified when any of your apps need an updating.

Yeah I know Microsoft always had a third party website doling out apps for them, but to me it always looked shady. Don't know why, it always did. But if this appstore (am I allowed to spell it that way?) is baked in with Windows, it's a tremendous boost for them.

I'm all for it, if anyone needs an app store, it's Microsoft. I mean with just a big chunk of the pie in terms of coverage of the personal computer, people need to feed their Windows machines with apps.

While you're at it, try to find the remnants of his previous career as an actor.

Just reading your post makes me mad for the kids who are trying to get jobs. First rule of mine when going for a job interview, over-dress. At my work I dress way too good for something that might involve some bodily fluid getting on my shirt (I work in a hospital setting). But I still don't dress down to avoid

Good question. I think they're trying, I really do. But they might be lacking the visionary that Apple has, and a subsequent replacement that he's molding.

A lot of pressure is on Apple and so goes the saying that it's easier to climb the mountain than sit on top of it. So I think Apple knows that if things go sour with Sammy, they would initiate plan B so the little hiccup (losing a major parts supplier) would hardly register on their scale.

Correct (at least in my opinion). Samsung has to hurt Apple incredibly hard, and that could take time. Not saying that it can't be done, but Samsung needs the perfect storm on their side: mind-blowing hardware, flawless TouchWiz running on it, and timely updates. Once that happens, maybe Samsung can start to shove

Very classy, good use of the headline, and has a sexual undertone. Yup, CamComicCorner is definitely the winner!

Agreed. Lots of ways to skin a cat (or Android?) but puzzles me that some companies think that there can only be ONE way to make things. Part of the fun of being in a tech playground is the myriad of ways to do things and just because Apple did it their way, doesn't mean it's the only way.

Any or all of them are great advice for business. I think now people (businesses) think Apple is hitting close to all of those points and that is why they are becoming more Apple-y. Everything named "_Pad", "hints" of a MBA casing, full stops on their tag lines, etc.

Wow, kind of a morbid topic this is. The death of a man is at the forefront of the legacy that he has created. Steve Jobs is mortal just like all of us and even though his failing health is page one news, we have no business to already dig his grave and wait him out. Pioneers before him have all left their mark on

I always knew we were kinda going backwards in tech. Hear me out, we have high-def audio and video to reproduce what was recorded live. Back then before the advent of high powered computers, they recorded what they heard and saw with basically whatever can capture it and darn it all if it didn't sound and look good