
Yeah, that one seemed off to me. I’m wondering if they meant GTA III, as that was a sequel that was a wildly different departure.

I’d say IV was a good sequel when you consider GTA III. If anything it’s GTA III that was radically different from its top-down prior entries in the franchise. III was the first to go 3D (much like how Fallout 3 was the first 3D FPS-ish entry).

Fast is a good descriptor. It really does move quickly. I keep trying to swing around missions while chasing backpacks because it feels so damn good to swing.

I haven’t ever pre-purchased a game, haven’t paid full price for a game in over a decade, and haven’t bought a game at launch in longer. Spider-Man is breaking my streak. I was like a 10-year-old at midnight last night, and worse beforehand watching the clock slowly tick down. I needed some web-slinging and

I didn’t love it but thought it was a lot better than most-and Kostner Was convincing bc the character is not over done-agree completely 

Agree the game was sh*t and I played it entirely and all the DLC. The DLC was tolerable but the game got all this praise because it was tackling racial issues and at the time of release America was all about racial issues. The story is corny and hamfisted, The World is pretty lifeless, the missions horrible. You clear

Repetitive gameplay in sanbox is the worst, but you picked my interest up with other points you have made, all can I do is to pick it up and judge by myself while it’s ps-plus free.

I have a blast with Mad Max and Mafia 3 to this day. They’re my go-to when I’m out of new games and need a break from Overwatch. I’ll pop one of them in for a few hours and just drive around checking boxes. They’re comfort food, at this point.

I appreciate your input, interesting take

I assume their first date involved them going to get ice cream, with Aubrey Plaza silently staring at him while seductively licking her cold treat the entire time, and Michael Cera getting increasingly sweaty while rambling on about nothing in particular, until he finally gets so flustered that he dropped his entire

Chef: MY MOM

I wasn’t allowed on a flight because I smelled of whiskey. I wasn’t drunk just hung out at the bar. Maybe I was buzzed and a flight attendent told me she couldn’t let me board the flight. It’s amazing I’ve seen people that were drunk and loud, couldn’t walk straight but this lady kept me off the plane because of my

John Cusack. Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we’ve raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion. 

Yeah, I concur. It’s like this is the game’s third trailer in a year and a half. This barely showed anything those others didn’t, and thinking back to GTA V we knew so much about that game by the end of the third trailer

Calling in a bomb threat on a train because some lady didn’t want to put up with your drunken antics? That’s a real... loco motive.

It’s a shame so much of the reception of this game and whether it’s “good” seems to be down to whether it takes a stance on US politics as though that’s a thing all games must do now.

How will he poop with all of that cement in there?

Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.

Hands down the best in the series, the overall story and development of the main character were a breath of fresh air seeing as you are literally playing a decent into madness and unhinged violence. Just wait till the flamethrower mission.

It’s the first to really perfect their current open world design trend. It popularized all the new stalwarts of the series with outposts, trippy drug hallucinations, and crazy animal encounters.