
Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.

The world needs a Nick Foles vs Blake Bortles Super Bowl.

...they’ll be dinosaur skeletons and she’ll deny they exist because the Earth was only created 6000 years ago.

Press ‘X’ to declare a shithole.

I think Bayek’s motivation was really strong and well done, but by the time you find out who the real, real big bad is, I just kept wondering how much stronger the game would have been if he had at least been around earlier in the game. There are 27 main missions and the first time his name is mentioned is in mission

Sober 6 years here and I wish I had seen your comment before making my, very similar, comment.

Yes, and gambling addicts shouldn’t necessarily blame casinos.
But video games aren’t supposed to be casinos. could totally be a reviewer.....

Cool, thank you! I’m loving Odyssey so far, but I’m not really one for uber completionism unless it really pays off.

It’s also being reported that Tom Hanks has been accused of inappropriate conduct with no fewer than five vintage typewriters, including a Smith-Corona!

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

These kinds of things are crucial. Random advice from random other teens really, really, really doesn’t cut it when it comes to sex education. What if the teen advising you is crazy, or full of self-hatred, or was raised on a raft, or is just a totally, totally different person from you?

I used to attend an AA group that the organizer of was a huge hunter. Once or twice a year he would go hunting and bring the meat to a butcher who would make jerky for him. Not like nasty dried jerky but like slim jim style jerky(dunno if there’s a name for it), with cheddar in the middle. So fucking good.

I do love me a Bambiburger!

Hey, if that means we don’t get loot boxes until 2019, I’m A-ok with that

My PS4 did when I put it vertically, but not on a stand. My guess is that this restricted the airflow too much. After I put it on the official stand, no jet engine roars anymore.

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever