
I felt similarly in the recent Tomb Raider games. In games like that and Watch Dogs and Splinter Cell I also just prefer handguns thematically because they make more sense for the character or the situation. Which can be disappointing when there isn’t a really satisfying handgun available in the game, but it still

I find handguns to be incredibly reliable in the Uncharted series. The ammo is plentiful, and with good aim and a bit of patience they can serve as mini-sniper rifles if you want to conserve ammo and get quick mid-range headshots. They can be more useful than assault rifles because the aim doesn’t deteriorate as much

Totalbiscuit should shut the fuck up. Play the game or shut up.

My dad is really good at getting cigarettes for an extensive period of time.

they’ll just stop fighting because of our ungrateful asses.

I am in the same boat (other than I’ve been divorced 10 years). I just want like minded people to do shit with. Thats it.

Yeah, what a heads up play.

Descalso catch was crazy all things considered.

Wow, people who haven’t purchased JC3 are so lucky!!! It’s an awesome game. I HIGHLY recommend buying the “Air” DLC which includes the jetpack. It will completely change the way you play the game!!

“Anonymous source suggests Kyrie Irving will join PSG”

Kyrie Irving to Paris Saint Germain.

Also interesting that the violence against women gets brought up, since it’s actually the game that I can credit with creating several female gamers, my own girlfriend included, who previously thought of games as nothing more than mindless Call of Duty-type nonsense. Of course, we also enjoy Game of Thrones together

But was it normal rain? Or was it... Chubby Rain!

Pretty sure there will be plenty of white walkers.

Anyone came-ing BEFORE saw-ing should really consult a doctor.

“My Son is Ruining Zelda (But That Doesn’t Matter Because I Love Him So Much)”is a little on the nose but I guess it’s kind of necessary to some of the slower Kotaku readers.

Agreed. It’s quite clear who has kids and who does not in these comments. I bitch about my kids sometimes too jokingly and serious, but I’d do *anything* for them.

Correct. Dadtaku stories are written for parents to say “oh man yes this is bad i understand this”, not for teenagers to give unsolicited parenting advice.

and who read lighthearted internet words literally, as though he’s genuinely advocating people not to have children.

The Tenderman posts on Jezebel using his real name.