
did that REALLY happen ?

ok so if i run out of one type of soap, i can use other types of soap ?!

there you go again, you need to stop harassing people.

so far you have called a dozen different people in this conversation a troll.

laserface loves attacking others.

laserface will attack you now for your post.

Based on his comment history, JazGalaxy is clearly a troll. You should just dismiss his comments.”

you get it, but the fake media loves shit like this.

why is this considered news ?

saline is good to use for flushing the eyes. no matter what chemical is used in the gas.

after seeing this i want to try it !

use either baking soda OR a few drops of the essential oil, but not both at the same time.

can we get some more butter here please ? thanks.

it seems like bad business to buy a company for millions or more, then once you own it, shut it down.

just my two cents, but i believe both NATURE and NURTURE play a role.

being PRESENT is the best thing a parent can do for their children.

i think it is sad that anyone dies, for any reason.

as long as TESLA continues to call its system by the name of AUTOPILOT, idiots will keep on doing this.

this woman is so annoying, her claim to fame is a father that was a politician.