hard pass for this overpriced apple hardware.
hard pass for this overpriced apple hardware.
tiny space ships, i knew they existed.
author is once again failing to make their point.
not that i trust google at all.
apple told OP they were holding it wrong!!
is this a true story ?
Kaseya and the ransomware folks are one and the same.
yes, what they did is a crime.
you are correct, it makes that company part of the crime that occurred.
TIL that girls touch themselves
why would there be mention of the other systems.
either you are a nasty troll, or you are very ignorant.
nope nope nope
that was a very poor answer, are you being a troll ?
because they are lying, you do not call it autopilot for nothing.
tesla WANTS the buyers to think of the car as self driving, that is why they call the function AUTO PILOT.
how can i downvote your comment for being stupid ?
ok, then the game company needs to pay everyone that owns a copy, the price for the game itself, then compensation for the time and effort out into the game.
Elroy Muskrat is a con artist.