this one time at band camp i injected a whole marijuana !
this one time at band camp i injected a whole marijuana !
wow Joan, you have some serious issues.
i was exposed to cleavage as a new born for many months.
i do not understand the value of asking Trump that question at all.
i would love to see the system reformed, cops and prosecutors work hard to put people they know are innocent in prison, so they can look like they are tough on crime.
this is sad, but not surprising.
i sense you will get your wish, condolences to your family for you being so stubborn.
wow that is a very racist thing to say, does being a racist make you proud ?
i would be willing to pay reparations for any and all slaves i have bought, owned, or sold.
i never knew that the beer during the oktoberfest festival was a different recipe.
this just in, feminist think any man that disagrees with them is a woman hater (mi·sog·y·ny /məˈsäjənē/
not even her fellow democrats think Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has anything worthwhile to say. just her 3 other “friends” that are also not doing any work for their districts and need to step down.
since her election as a representative for her district, this woman has done nothing at all to help the people in her district.
Naomi LaChance would rather spin the story than tell the truth about it.
iran is far too stupid to be able to carry out something like this, they are being set up by a black ops scam for political reasons.
when one of your many husbands tells you to dance, you dance.
what about people like me that have black ancestry but are light skinned ?
you did not list even one place to get a FREE cheesburger, just told us about combo deals etc.
are you saying there is more than one kind of tomato ?
that is not reasonable at all.