
I want to know if that beverage was shaken.

Dat sign placement doe

Forgive me if I stole this from someone, but...

do u have the directions to the money tree?

And that’s on top of Michigan’s already bullshit no-fault accidents.

And for just a second, she was queen. All of her troubles forgotten. Life felt better, filled with purpose. No matter that soon she would be walking out of that stadium and back into the cold reality of living in Pittsburgh, she would forever have this moment. The girls at the end of the Heinz Cocktail Sauce

It’s like the ad team went to their local walmart, saw this and thought, ‘Wow, that’s great! But we need something more relevant to today’s youth. I know, the protests! Yeah, let’s do this exact and not at all terrible thing but with the protest movement! And pepsi instead of coke, of course.’

“inherited” You mean bought like the rest of her sisters. I think she and Kourtney are the only ones that have not had extensive body modification surgery.

“Issues important to women their age”

the video is “under internal review.”

Bet all their insurance agencies don’t cover the damage from the event...

You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.

That the entire purpose of Jesus and the crucifiction was to wipe away all the old dogma and open the kingdom of heaven to everyone is irrelevant. If you can’t step on the neck of those less fortunate, what’s the point of life?

I’m not a smart man, but I figure I can guess the skin tone of each one of those people.

You can always tell how gay someone is by how they organize their spice rack. Like, if the cloves are over here, and the chili powder is over there, well then there you go.

After this last election, I find myself being uncomfortable with about a third of the people in the United States. There’s probably a correlation with the third mentioned here and the third I’m referring to.

Well I think science(my bible) has proven time and time again that gay people are the worst, if you touch anything they’ve touched you become gay too, and that if you eat anything they’ve cooked you also will become gay from their “seasonings” they put in it. I have to pump my Christian rock up to ear bleeding

Lots of people get rich by being cheapskates...