
Mate I am WITH you. Except I had a knockout rack when I was twelve, so all that messed up attention was of course totally normal and something I should just deal with. And I’m a lesbian, yet have somehow managed to hold myself back from catcalling any of the many gorgeous women I have seen in my life. Maybe I should

Is that the same patch of concrete?

4 blocks from Wrigley Field


All I can see is the gif, so my analysis is probably incomplete. That said, here’s what I see: Camry with IL plates is driven exactly how you’d expect a Camry owner from IL to drive it.

God used to do the best plagues. Locusts, blood, slaying of the first born. Just a hole now? No stamina! SAD!

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

No HOA, otherwise those unsightly concrete cracks in the driveway would have been repaired a long time ago.

Fuck off Roger.

disgusting. i dont know how America came to this point, but this is not the direction we want to go in.

Sorry to hear you think statues honoring people who killed people to ensure that they could own and enslave other people are a good thing.

She’s trying so hard to make excuses for him supporting trump.

So it can appear bigger when threatened, like a puffer fish?

First impression: Overall the car isn’t bad, those chrome wheel arches appear to be the worst part and are easily removed.
Second impression: Whoa, that hood is the worst part about this car. I wouldn’t want to drive around with it but it’d be funny to hang on a wall.
Third impression: Ugh, too much blue loom on the

Feminist: a person advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men.

I’m agnostic, but men like Trump and Sessions make me so desperately want to believe in hell.

tfw you’re done using black culture for profit and moving onto your Colbie Caillat phase.

DeVos would later ask during her speech, “Have you ever heard of multi level marketing?”

He does have one thing to be proud of, though. He’s still more black than Rachel Dolezal.