
^ this.

Would you mind please shutting the fuck up?

Isn’t he that guy that’s new in town? And has AIDS?

You sound like just the type of judgemental finger-wagging tsk-tsk-er this show was created to get the goat of. Thereby making you seem like the old man, or the authority that their market wanted to defy to seem Punk Rock. What they did was brilliant. They brought the ‘young, dumb, full of cum’ anit-establishment

That’s Al Bundy and it was 4 touchdowns and it was the seminal moment of his life.

Did I misread this? He was being disgusting but she didn’t actually go down on him, did she?

Yeah, even though Community got a little shaky as it went (and the less said about season 4, the better) there are few shows that hit my funny spot with that level of accuracy.

Is this true or you just puffin smoke up my ass? Porgs!

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits os on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits is on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

HBO CEO of Tits os on today’s Doug Loves Movies! And he talks about the AV Club! That is all.

That’s exactly what I thought too.

Yeah, Hill looked like he just walked up from Ground Zero. WTF?

Good thing mannequins don’t talk.

You said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud.