
This episode actually made me kinda want to try blowing coke into my butthole. Looked like fun.

You might say this Weiner....

Great things: Stevie, Russell’s family being gone, Gamby becoming Principal of the school his daughter won’t be at.

Man, his Robert Durst burp right before Bill made his phone call was both chilling and understandable, but the last two minutes of the episode is what really got me. When Maci(?) asked about turning off the cameras and said “You’re filming something, that’s the reason, right?” I found myself telling Nathan out loud to

Twin Fawlty Towers

Allah in the Family

Sure, death is terrifying, but these mortals know that there is everlasting life after death. And isn’t that a far more terrifying existential conundrum? I know I was way more afraid of the idea of infinity than I ever was the concept of death. That’s why I was super sketched out by religion. To even begin grappling

Also in season one Eleanor is said to have been killed by a truck advertising a cure for ED but is shown in flashback to have been killed by run-away shopping carts. Hmmmmmm...

I Like Ike.

Well most of us are just sentient Simpsons quotes who are now wailing in desperation.

Don’t be a dick. They were able to communicate their idea and you are being a needless pedant. Shit kills me.

Goddamn, what a bummer. Kinja has ruined this site. This used to be my default site when I was excited about a show/movie I had just seen, bored, anxious, or socially awkward. Now I can’t enjoy it in the slightest. I saw Disquis come, The Dissolve exidus, ZMF disappear, Nabin jellybean and then get dumped. But nothing

Was excited to talk about this episode but it is a wasteland. Had to load new comments 3 times to see this. And there were only 30 comments!

Goddamn, what a bummer. Kinja has ruined this site. This used to be my default site when I was excited about a show/movie I had just seen, bored, anxious, or socially awkward. Now I can’t enjoy it in the slightest. I saw Disquis come, The Dissolve exidus, ZMF disappear, Nabin jellybean and then get dumped. But nothing

I just wanted to say that I normally used my phone to check/lurk/comment on AVClub up to a dozen times a day. I used to also be That_Black_Guy_From_The_Wire. This is only the second time I have gone to the site since the change. The layout makes it impossible to find interesting things with ease.It really bums me out,

Sooooooo... Did this work or whatever? Does it always only show like six comments at a time?

I believe you mean roflcopter.

Spike Lee angrily tweets Joel Olsteen's address.


Sweet Laurel Canyon sound.