
You're not the boss of me now.
You're not the boss of me now.

Who said Rabin's name three times?

I lived in Asheville for five years and I still kinda spaced on where Charlotte was. I may just be kind of dumb, though. Or smoked too much weed when I lived in Asheville.

Myrtle Beach's 11?

Is there a non-Amazon place to stream the first 3 seasons of Hannibal?


The Bloodhound Gang?

Do think he called him Josh Colon?
I hope it was Josh Colon.

If Tom Green would only switch to Kinja he would never have to worry about trolls again!

I like Reel Big Fish.
And Sham 69.

What is the joke there?

My girlfriend's four-post bed, I believe.

What did you do to get chased out of AVCAD? Were you defending Post Golden Age Simpsons or something equally ghoulish?

I've been a lurker on this site for at least six years, originally brought in by tv coverage, and just recently began commenting. The comment community is what kept me coming to the site multiple times each day, even as the quality of the site shifted, reshifted, waxed and waned. Without sub-threads I don't see how

When all those old comments, such as the 160,000 from that Community ep, are ported over will the sub-threads still exist? How will new commenters be able to make any sense of the conversation without the sub-threads?

This does explain Dan Harmon's Twitter rant about how Bleu cheese stuffed martini olives would be a Pickle's only hope about eight months back…

Well, we still got Scott Aukerman and the Widow Kulap…

Andy daring Deegs to steal each base was pretty gold to me.

Andy's doing donuts!

Let's pick this bitch off!