
Well his days as a Bible salesman down South are over.

Dan was just hiding in a bunker on Cloverfield Lane after faking his death in Treme because he was so depressed that Donnie was killed by Nihilists.

What part of Tennessee? I live in Knoxville and have a ton of family in Kenosha. Are we mirror image clones of some type?

But that character's song was dope as hell. Not like these lame-ass consumer drones you hear on the radio.

Nah.. Hell nah man! A person would get his ass kicked saying something like that.

Bone like a dog's treat and queef like a pussy fart?

Well Scott DOES hate vocal fry.

I'm afraid I didn't watch too closely, but I seem to remember the Saint holding Tulip's step daughter's hand when they first entered the apartment floor. No?

And, maybe, about having a friend.
But mostly himself.

Ehhhhh, got any gum?

I'm not sure why but I really, really enjoyed this comment.

Yeah man, I grew up in Pigeon Forge and Dolly Parton's ™ Dixie Stampede is still huge there. It still bisects the audience as Yankees and Southerners(instead of Confederates) which is pretty insane, and has people root for their 'team'. Fucking crazy, but the servers there make 800 bucks a week so it's still doing

Excellent comment/ username synergy.
I love that Jack Black uses his 'bird wings' arm motion in the basketball scene. He gets some mileage out of that in the years to come.

Man, I love when a city is, like, a character. Sex and the City is basically just that empire skyline really giving it to Carrie . Pre 9/11 that thing was "Mr. Big" indeed.

100% agree. I've been a lurker here for about 5 years, occasionally posting as ThatBlackGuyFromTheWire, I haven't noticed any huge change. The Other Website happened and some good writers left, and yes, things occasionally skew more "politically aware" but that has always happened, just the politics have evolved.

Andy Capp.

Nope, just a perfectly timed Save Ferris Flash Mob. If they stuck around it would lose the panache.

Hey, wait a minute, are you one of The Two Friends? Actually Hughes would be a pretty dope Blank Check.

I'm just curious what the fuck this is? I've been staring at it blankly for about three full minutes now and can't make hide nor hair of this. Well done, I guess.

Yeah, I remember there were two cashiers who were in a local band who dropped out to pursue solo careers like two weeks before their former band made it quasi big. That upped the surly employees by 33% or so. It's still vastly superior to any of the other book stores in the area.