“Brilliant fucking idea. It’s gonna end all our careers, but still.”
Ah that is really cool news. Yay! :)
It’s the participation trophy culture/political correctness run amok, my friend. Stay strong.
But you’re missing the larger point which is that 2016 was the WORST YEAR EVER and now 2017 is already ruined because BOOKER IS A SELLOUT! omg what next???????
That is a patently stupid take, but that’s okay, because I am a classy guy and being classy means being able to mingle with people beneath you.
vroom! vroom!
Yeah the Award episode is probably one of the ten best episodes of anything in television history.
no, i feel ya. that ben gazhi is one bad hombre.
we’re passionate fans
Who Pooped the Internet: Redford’s List Did.
I also can’t believe how high Being Frank is ranked. I thought it was sort of funny, but it also felt like a mistake to tip their hand that much and let the viewer in on Frank’s inner world. It limits his character too much—the inner workings of Frank’s brain and his weird combination of being both a goddamn simpleton…
Patrick Redford: The Worst Ranker on the Internet
YES definitely the worst episode post S1 anyway
The Great Recession. Fucking classic.
I KNOW! For the “I have not yet begun to peak,” speech alone that episode deserves better.
I think the fact that Trump is clearly more capable of doing real damage on his way out the door, rather than just slinking away in quiet ignominy, has to factor into their equations. As far as this goes, for me, the introduction of Bannon felt like a bolt from the blue. It suddenly became clear that Trump had allies…
i’m a social worker who works in a residential setting with at-risk kids. it’s chilling to hear my COWORKERS talk about their belief that “this country really started going to hell once any time a parent physically disciplined their kids it was called child abuse.” we are already on the slippery slope that leads…
if nabokov is correct that “satire is a lesson, parody is a game,” then it doesn’t even rise to the level of satire. it’s a hastily constructed parody. like an snl sketch from olden times when they couldn’t think of what else to do so they just had chevy chase dress up as gerald ford and fall down again.
grayson is a perfectly fine name, though not everyone can bear up under the burden of such a moniker. one suspects he is either new money and named by a father who is a bit of a bounder and a poseur and did not have the good sense to give his scion a more manageable monkier or, more likely, he was born into a family…