
What you are asking McQueary to do is to commit career suicide. Ethics in sports is valued infinitely less than loyalty.

I don’t know what happened to that band. I’m often too drunk to remember.

How’s my drinking?

...and they had previously cut (men’s) baseball and men’s golf, though they later brought back golf.

So while it is a great hook to a story to highlight a recruit on campus when a sport gets cut, and incredibly callous and terrible management by the UND administrators to not announce this, in person, to the coaches and

Let’s add a wrinkle: there are an increasing number of advocates for paying athletes, especially for “money making” sports such as football. (I highlight football in particular because we know it’s really taxing on the body and for some schools it’s an absolute cash cow.) Let’s say the NCAA bites and allows schools

Lemme guess. They needed an extra couple of million for an exercise suite in the football stadium

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

You knew Hipparchus, but not Anaxagoras? I’m as skeptical as Arcesilaus

I don’t operate on what should or shouldn’t exist. I operate under what actually exists. 

Kavi is Sanskrit.

Seriously, this is where I stopped reading and became concinved Comey should just be fired.

+2 thus far Shooter

You’re welcome, Anaxagorus

weird Scrantonicity

Oh yes. And they have gumbo. And handicrafts to buy. And monkeys riding dogs.

Something like 93% of Angola inmates have natural life sentences, meaning that they’ll die there. Louisiana locks folks up and throws away the key

Nice, keep spreading the knowledge! (Although I feel bad saying it was a “burn” since the poster was actually asking whether there were onerous court fees in a couple of states)

Damn, this is a fucking good knowledge burn, because most people would assume Alaska and Hawai’i.

“their worst stretch of basketball in three years”

But what about the kids?!?!