
the existence of this dossier was news the public needed to know sooner regardless of the veracity of the claims. contrary to what many of the commenters seem to think, saying “oh yeah? well PIZZAGATE!” is not only NOT a game-changing rebuttal, but it actually supports releasing/covering both sets of stories.

rekt! lol

Colleagues from both sides of the aisle say that his syrupy accent and courtly demeanor help bring a sense of grace and civility to the discourse!

southwest wouldn’t accept my humming birds as payment for my bourbon last time i flew, even though humming birds are legal tender

poetry should check its privilege

I’ve always thought Shaq was an asshole and a bully who got away with it because he pulled off the “aww shucks I’m just a big ol’ goof who’s funnin’ on ya” shtick to perfection.

McGee is responsible for my favorite tweet/Twitter troll of all time, “just copped a pet platypus #swag”

it’s this “everybody gets a trophy” culture we live in, my friend. a damn shame i say.

no no, you don’t understand. there are only two types of people in the world: kim k, and Everyone Else. if anyone from the category of Everyone Else does anything, it’s only fair to drag kim the k in and berate her a little. it’s CALLED comparing and contrasting and it’s a pretty standard rhetorical technique. sad you

that ain’t a humble brag, friend. that’s just a straight up boast.

If memory serves me correctly, and it rarely does when I’ve had as much Scotch as I’ve had tonight, Schilling tried to murder Sam Biddle by strangling him with a violent tee shirt or something, right? on the Twitter? But then if you shitcanned everybody who’s ever tried to murder Biddle who’d even have a job?

i read on the medium that nostalgia is toxic tho

Now playing

it was cute how kim would never admit that any of their songs were about frank black when all their songs were very clearly about hating frank black

i am an old, and distinctly non-tech savvy even by the standards of other olds, so the only words i understood in this were “cram” and “teddy ruxpin” but i’m really into it just the same

Starred for the sly re-inclusion of the article “the” in Ukraine’s name.

the worst was the time after that debate when he couldn’t find anybody to shake his hand...oh wrong undeniably talented wildly reviled reptilian shapeshifter

well maybe if this site had editors!

Clicked on this story to find Tomsula’s phone number because I need some alterations done on my grey suit and I hear his work is okay and his rates are good. But of course, his phone number is nowhere to be found. More fucking clickbait.