
Ugh, we all know the movie's gonna end with them finding out they aren't actually enemies and teaming up to fight a bigger threat.

If this goes to court, then whoever makes those dumb "ATHEIST PROFESSOR DOES THING" Facebook posts would also have a legit case.

It's the one thing we have in abundance, and yet no one ever have enough of it!

Shit, I'm even starting to doubt Scheer's story of him surviving the sinking of the Titanic.

For a few months, I had "You shu- you shut your mouth." as a ringtone.

My sister once offered to buy me a cd, and I got the Spider-Man 1 soundtrack. I loved most of those songs at the time. 13-year-old me at least had the sense to skip the Daredevil soundtrack.

The special effects in Olympus have a late 90s video game fmv feel, and I kinda dig it. Not going to watch it, though. I'm not that crazy.

When he said "What is Tae Kwon Do," I muttered "I want you to die." Which might say more about my problems, but the rest of his play justifies my hate, I believe.

It's also a movie that I think a great deal of people know by name, but have never actually seen it.

I'm okay with that one, because I feel that most contestants make the wrong bet for FJ.

I'm guessing it'll just be the AoS version of Angel's Illyria.

No, that's Thedge.

It's on Hulu, so any cgi they use will look just as good as the graphics of the original Myst. Hell, they should just use the same assets if those still exist. Make it look like a 45-minute FMV cutscene every episode.

I was actually talking about point 14 with a friend the other day. I would really like to know from JJ and co. what movies besides Star Wars influenced/are influencing The Force Awakens. I suppose I'll find out when I see the movie.

I wonder if anybody is doing the Tusk thing posting comments like "loveinchrist dot com gave this movie 5/5 stars" with a giant excerpt from the review.

A B-?! That somehow invalidates this show's - and by extension, my - existence!

They're gonna review an episode a day. Well, one guy is. Oliver Sava.

It was disturbing, and also felt like someone desperately trying to write a Tarantino-esque scene. Maybe that is why it was disturbing to me.

After my first listen through the entire album, I'm liking it. I eventually liked We Were Dead…, but this one has made a better first impression on me.

I would love it if NBC became the Asylum of tv networks.