
It helps a lot for people with disabilities. For that alone it should be commended. Not everything has to be made only catering to the masses.

It’s a really, really, nice tool for the disabled.

All of them were fads that are thankfully dying. I cant count the number of people I know who used their Alexas or Google Assistants for all of a week before forgetting all about it.

The jury would have to be full of drooling idiots to imagine that Krispy Kreme is in any way liable for resold products purchased from a 3rd party.

This is pretty hilarious. But Krispy Kremes are really pretty bad.

Soo why does the company feel they have the authority to drop a cease and desist? Their legal authority involves their IP and their point of sale. Nothing of after the fact. I guess they feel that they are missing a premium of some sort here?
No clue at all. Lawyer up there buddy and take it to em for lost wadges for

he does exactly what grubhub , uber eats does but with one type of food/store only . he was taking orders from the start . whom ever owns the store he was buying from should be pissed as well , losing that big of an order .

No one is getting sick from a sugar and fat product who would not get sick from any similar item. Those people would not touch a donut. If he tainted the donut it would have to be with some material that isn’t found in a donut shop; the last time any such thing happened it was a guy trying to cover an attempted murder

Probably. The store manager could deny all day of knowing what he was doing with the donuts as long as there was not traceable record. For all she knew, he worked in a big office that bought employees donuts every day.

So they don’t want people’s money? Like? What? Corporations are stupid.

exploiting a hole in their doughnut

…there might be some “work-arounds”

“exploiting a hole in their doughnut”

Plenty of small businesses resell Costco’s muffins. Quick, someone think of the children and put an end to this!

Dude people sell food they make all the time without licensing. Ever heard of a bake sale? 

I feel like that’s kind of iffy. If I buy two candy bars and don’t want one and sell it to my friend, can the FDA fuck me up? If this guy isn’t registered as a business but is just selling personal property, what can they do?

Looks he was exploiting a hole in their doughnut sales policy. Although it looks to me that Jayson’s free to do as he pleases with his purchase. Re-selling pastries doesn’t seem uncommon at all.

Free market?

It’s just a doughnut.  And I say that to both the eaters and the company that makes it.