
The robot malfunctioned and didn’t animate correctly. The robot is supposed to release from the tether and tuck into a ball, much like a human would. When it works properly, it’s pretty realistic looking, but obviously here something in the sequence screwed up.

That wasn’t Disneyland California. That was Disney’s California Adventure park.  I know it’s silly but I really hate that everyone just calls them all Disneyland.  They are different parks(that they are gonna charge you more money to go too)

Next you’re going to tell us Santa Claus isn’t real.

They are in the US as well.

Guy’s hung up on the definition of “incognito” - I assume he’s suing Texas-based Tesla over “Autopilot” and “Full Self-Driving” next...

It does exactly that. If you are in incognito mode, it does not add the sites you visit to your local history.

Very, very likely.

If a product is free, *you’re* the product.”, THIS, nailed it.

Do people not understand/overestimate Incognito mode: Yes.

Incognito/private browsing mode is made to watch porn without your parents/kids/roommate/spouse/whoever else seeing the history afterwards (or without having to manually clear it). That’s pretty much it and it does that well. Every use past that (like being able to be logged into the same site as two different people

I mostly use it to keep my wife from seeing what porn sites I go to. Well, she already knows, it’s the frequency that would truly astonish her.

It had to start with porn.  There’s no way this didn’t start with porn.  He’s right, like you said,  but it definitely started with porn.

Absolutely, his entire argument is valid and reasonable. But I am not fooled for a second that his primary intention is to protect people. He is engaging in culture war tactics to appease his right-wing, anti-tech base... and I would also bet he is terrified of not only his online activity, but that of his colleagues

He’s upset probably because the FBI found a GOP members child porn stash that they thought was hidden because of being “incognito”. 

Seems like it would be easy for Google to address, just add some language to that info screen.

That’s pretty much what it was designed for. It’s to avoid having to clear the cache and browser history when you need to. So that way you can watch porn without risking the wife knowing it. Or go on your bank or email account on a public computer.

He definitely started panicking when he realized incognito wasn’t exactly as private as he thought it was. I bet we see him in the news soon for other reasons soon.

Still, he does have a point.

Pulling out his dictionary, Paxton takes issue with Google’s very use of the term “Incognito” which he says an everyday Texan would interpret to mean having “one’s identity concealed. one of them people from across the border.

So his suit is saying people don’t read even if clear information is provide to them. When I open an incognito tab, it has some text telling me what that mode does (hide your activity from other users on same device), and more importantly some text telling me what it doesn’t. Specifically, your browsing activity can