
Rule 34.

You have a lot of free time and a ready supply of weed, don’t you?

Hell is looks more like a clenched fist being shoved up your arse, much like this article. 

I think the events of the past week have demonstrated that the new direction of G/O media is neither ethical or responsible.

For some reason?  Software for web ‘surfing’ uses wave imagery?  Just a huge coincidence, I’m sure.

You’ve apparently never worked a company being run by venture capitalists.

OK, even if it were to resemble a sperm cell, how exactly is a sperm cell NSFW? I’m pretty sure no on is jacking it TO sperm cells. You might have the causal chain the wrong way around.

G/O has become a sh*tpool. I’m just here to say Deadspin now is boring as hell. 

I see it. This would have been a slam dunk on Jezebel - Giz readers think the G spot is a myth.

Actually............. It does look a lot like a cock ring.

Time to bring out old faithful...

Nothing you write convinced me in the slightest to use this browser over Chrome, thoroughly attempt though. 

They all are. I mean Opera clearly looks like a Vagina.

I mean look at this! It’s obscene!

Wait ‘til you see the apostrophe, or the commas, in this comment.

Looks like a wave... Not at all anything close to NSFW.

Are you high? 

OMG new logo is NSFW”. Would get more clicks than “Microsoft unveils new logo”.

Im sorry but what in the actual hell is this article? A sperm? That’s a stretch, by a long shot.

Prices for many products & services tend to vary depending on locale; living in an expensive city, it’s not unusual to see such a price for specialty cocktails. I was recently at a bar that charged $12 for a Manhattan (and the only thing that made it a “specialty” cocktail was the specific top-shelf ingredients they

It's weird that the bartender acknowledged it was bad and didn't at least replace it with a better tasting cocktail.