
It all goes back to Reagan and the dumb Republican idea that private companies are more efficient than the government.


The can graphics are no different than what you’d find in any art museum.

Coleslaw is an excellent condiment. It's no sauerkraut, but it makes a lovely addition to a sandwich.

Can you buy Ol’ Leg Humper in NC?

You know the Kia is a better car than the Land Rover, right?

We are all assholes. Don't sweat it.

No room for even the egg carton. Maybe wait until you need the egg to take it out of the refrigerator?

He'll save money on shirts.

If you’re going to mince it, you already have the cutting board and knife out.

Fields struck a plea deal with federal prosecutors to take the death penalty off of the table

If they’re poor they do.

Fahrenheit is more precise over the temperature range people typically experience.

When I get a friend request, I look at their posts before I accept. If it’s nothing but reposts from other sites and no original content, I decline. I am not interested in spam.

No. The Max 8 modifications made the aircraft dynamically unstable and prone to stall. Boeing tried to hide this from pilots by implanting a software change that wasn’t fault safe nor allowing for pilot override.

Is the CEO of Delta an aerospace engineer? If not, what does he know?

Like the DC 10, you’ll see the 737 Max 8 sent to cargo duty. People won’t choose to fly in them, and for good reason.

I want to scream when my in-laws do this (I’m the one paying, natch). Who the fuck raised you barbarians? You picked at your filet and ignored the roasted zucchini, but you’d like the creme brulee? These are the same idiots who ask if anyone wants an appetizer, everyone says no, so they order one and eat only a small

There’s a bit of timing that an attentive human being can get right. Not too soon, not too late.

Dog owners.