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Carbon nanotube flywheels
This is the right answer. Ignore it.
Why is it in English?
How to buy the right paint?
Lying and unhinged conspiracy mongering will do just fine.
Yes, he only tried to rape a child. He was too drunk to be successful.
Bring back the “in the grasp” rule, then, too.
We really need to go back to the 60-vote threshold. None of this would be occurring under those conditions.
Political donations are tied to votes all the damn time.
A gay ghoul.
Lindsay Graham makes Charles Nelson Riley look like the captain of the football team. Graham is beyond flaming.
They can’t both be telling the truth, but only one of them wants the truth to be discovered.
I wonder if they would have accepted Free For All or Last Man Standing.
President Piece of Shit
Duck dick
All too recently we were discussing Trump’s mushroom-like penis. And then you post this.
Not that I’m naming names.
Not her credibility, but to show she has more to lose than the average person were she untruthful.
This list is invalid.
He meant the exact opposite of that.