
Duck dick

All too recently we were discussing Trump’s mushroom-like penis. And then you post this.

Not that I’m naming names.

Not her credibility, but to show she has more to lose than the average person were she untruthful.

He meant the exact opposite of that.

Let’s just say that they’re awfully inclusive of such marginalized groups.

You think racists and Nazis aren't conservatives?

I love you, but I’m going to disagree with you.

I was thinking, "I never seem to win at Pandemic."

A burger place should have good fries. Otherwise, it’s a lousy burger place.

Five Guys is twice as good as long as you’re having fries with that.

Five Guys: good burger and fries

Sounds like a small town, so you should be able to track down the owner (not the manager) of the place. Tell them what happened, how it made/makes you feel, and ask them what they’re going to do about it to make it right.

Followed quickly by “there’s nothing we can do.”


What are you, a Nancy? Of course they impale ya.

Too fucking true. Or, “Hillary would have done the same to us, if not worse.”

I’m half Scots-Irish and, yeah, you don’t fuck with them.

I think he wants a fresh one, after what George did with it.