
Other automakers are copying the floating C, so enjoy.

We all did that when we were 16-19. A grown ass 46 year old ought to have matured past that stage of jackassery.

Neither of them have all their marbles.

In the 70s and before, it was a big deal if a car turned over its odometer at 100,000 miles because most vehicles didn't last that long.

The best way to ruin a hobby is to make a job of it.

That keycard sounds terrible. Having to fish it out of your pocket, purse, or wallet makes it as bad as a physical key. Having to teach people how to use it makes it even worse.

It’s almost like Max has no fucking idea what an inelastic demand curve is.

Cohen testified under oath. Let’s put Trump under oath and see what he says.

There’s nothing he’s good at. Literally, nothing.

You only have to do it once or twice before the lesson sinks in.

Amusing and sexist.

If you have access to familial wealth, use it for good...

Bill Clinton was having a bit of fun because they asked about Lewinsky in the present tense.

our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that

So they can't identify the agents? Fine. But you sure as hell know who their supervisor is. The supervisor needs to be held responsible.

Under Obama, many people were turned away at our near the border. The ICE resources were used to target dangerous criminals for deportation; not the school lunch lady or the landscaper.

Those 12V fans don't supply much delta-P so, in my opinion, the best set up is approximately the same intake and exhaust with a slight overpressure. 

Don’t believe everything you see in your Facebook feed.

New York is my argument against safety inspections. Their checks are overzealous. Surface rust on brake lines? In Buffalo?

Papa Johns is open.