Without a gun in your house, you’re vulnerable, and not just from terrorists or criminals but also from the government...
Without a gun in your house, you’re vulnerable, and not just from terrorists or criminals but also from the government...
Ever the moderate, I make two thin patties with cheese between them. Crimp the edges together and grill that bad boy. It still cooks fast.
At Wade Oval I saw a small van pull up with “working dogs” on the side of it. Cleveland employs a company that uses dogs to scare away geese. Because, yes, geese shit on everything and present a bona fide health problem.
I guess he’s never heard of John Kennedy or Ronald Reagan.
As a US citizen, I’m “important enough” to question the suitability of our President to fulfill the duties of his office.
The only thing I should hear from a CEO is how great their products are. I should not know their religion, politics, favorite color, dog or cat person, absolutely nothing that could be controversial or polarizing.
Where does “politics” begin and end?
In Cleveland. But Cleveland doesn't have the best corned beef sandwich in the Cleveland area. That would be Old World Deli in Brunswick, of all places.
Judge her not by the content of her character; rather judge her by the color of her skin.
My favorite game ending was The Witcher.
My gentle little pooch nabbed a squirrel once. Never did find its tail.
I have no problem with left wing candidates in lock districts.
I don’t think back spray is an issue.
The $25 one will do just fine. I’d start there.
That onion paper stuff that comes on those huge rolls? Yeah, I’m stripping that off twenty feet at a time. There are no winners in this game.
Cooperation. Collaboration. Achievement. Accomplishment.
The author can't argue that Far Cry 5 doesn't end after 27 articles here complaining about it's ending.
Where I live we have separate bridal trails for horses, usually roughly parallel to the hiking trails. That way people can ride without crapping up everyone else’s trail.
Measured in GDP$ per hour worked, the US worker is the fifth most productive in the world (behind Luxembourg, Ireland, Norway, and Belgium). Japanese workers are the twentieth most productive. Pretty much all of Western Europe and Canada are ahead of them.