
People seeking asylum are not here illegally.

Do you realize that it just started happening to people coming here seeking asylum.

Because if we placed the blame where it belongs then it might hurt someone’s feelings to be held accountable for their actions. It feels better to scapegoat someone you don’t like.

Used to be people coming here seeking asylum received, well, asylum.

They aren’t Christians.

Bush didn’t cage innocent children. Didn’t happen on Obama’s watch either.

Come on, people.

No one complains about there being corn-on-the-cob at a barbecue.

The other “fancy” place was the Brown Derby.

Rush wasn’t inducted into the Rock Hall until 2013. Same year as Randy Neuman. Randy fucking Neuman. Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, Randy Neuman. At least Rush beat out Hall and Oates.

None of those are counterpoints to my argument that Canada sends us crappy things.

The best way to see Old Faithful is to stay there, and visit in the early morning or evening. During the day, go see something else because the crowds are silly.

A river guide let our disabled son take an oar. Just look at that smile.

Them sneaky motherfuckers...

Palin, Bieber, Trivial Pursuit. Canada never gives us anything good. Do they let us have peameal bacon? No. That sucks.

Someone has to shop at Hot Topic.

Last election you had one candidate tell folks that coal wasn’t coming back and that the government should help them retrain. The other said that he’d bring coal back. The wrong person won.

It’s possible to rent a pickup truck or cargo van.

Unless you pile things above the seat line, blocking the windows, there is no extra storage space in a wagon or SUV.

When the cargo cover is down, you have the storage volume of a sedan trunk. Same utility as a sedan, but weighs more.