
I love dogs. Sure, they’re embarrassing when they’re fucking, but I love ‘em.

I’d wager that they still don’t give a flying fuck about any other allergy.

Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.

Cull the herd.

My MIL was allergic to fish. Should I get up in the grill of anyone feeding their child a tuna sandwich? 

Well, yeah.

But it’s the right descriptor. They still seem to go out of their way to not acknowledge their overt racism.

That’s one of the things that seems to shock people about the aftermath of Gettysburg, for example. The fallen Union soldiers were collected and buried. The Confederates were left to rot before shoveled into a pit.

They’re racists. What’s so hard to understand?

Only a mouth-breathing douche carries a pistol like that.

Radishes and kohlrabi.

Melania is lots of things. Home-wrecking gold digger, for one.

The founder of Jimmy Johns was an addict?

The only thing missing from the Moto G5+ is an NFC chip.

There is.

I liked the “good” ending, but loved the “bad” one. The I’m-still-brainwashed end had a very Twilight Zone feel to it.

There are ICBM silos in the game.

But think about how much cooler it could’ve been if you had been given consistent hints that there was something else going on in the world outside...

Many years ago we refinanced our home from a 30-yr mortgage to a 12-year (banks can set whatever term you like - you’re not limited to what they put in the newspaper).