
Ah, the ol’ you-can’t-sue-me-because-I’m-guilty ploy. Brilliant!

They should be forced to perform community service in exchange for those tax breaks.

Push it all around the store full, but can’t be arsed to push it a few feet empty.

There are a lot of white people who are racist.

What you don’t understand is that rich people work harder when you grant them more money but poor people get lazier.

I have the feeling that you could put welfare recipients in the roles of corporate CEO and they would do a fine job - perhaps better than those who currently occupy those jobs.

Signed by the laziest fuck ever to be President.

I have malt vinegar on my dining room table, but I’ll give you tartar sauce. Even better: asiago peppercorn dressing. Next level: Arby’s horsey sauce.

There are missile silos in the game.

See? Now these are good suggestions.

That’s what I do.

Should the NYT (and subsequently the WP) have not published the Pentagon Papers?

I’d love for anyone to simply follow up with, “if the President has been so clear, then it should be easy for you to answer my question.”

That’s its charm.

The ones that come from a nearby strawberry farm are just as good. The season is pretty short, though, so you only get good strawberries in June.

Our local grocery store bags ripe bananas and sells them at a discount. They are ready to eat now. They also discount avocadoes when they’re completely ripe, because they’ll spoil otherwise.

Depends on the produce, too. Avocado? Yeah, it doesn’t matter what’s sprayed on the outside of it.

Why should they not?

In this case the documents were obtained in a legal manner.

I’m a firm believer in treating others the way you prefer people treat you.