
Asiago peppercorn dressing kicks ranch dressing’s ass.

We used to pronounce that “cat soup” when we were kids. For some reason, that amused us.


I saw some old people stop and look both ways at an on-ramp on Route 1...

Fire may propagate faster in the African setting than in Montana, or the South Pacific.

It’s fun to say “brother” like a professional wrestler, though.

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep did it better.

Aerobie or GTFO.

Lessee. Broke an arm playing backyard football (tackle, no pads or helmets because I was the only one who had one). Stitches in my leg playing backyard baseball (tripped over another kids bike in the outfield, gouged my leg on an exposed bolt). Broke a tooth when the front wheel of my “chopper” bike came off because

Jarts was an excellent game. And clackers were fun, if annoying to everyone else.

Back in my day, elementary schools had climbing equipment three times as high set up over asphalt. Just don’t fall and you won’t get hurt.

We just had a somewhat contentious IEP meeting just yesterday.

You’re not wrong. We had something similar happen with one of our kids, but the person (a teacher in this case) left evidence of her threat. That didn’t turn out well for her.

I make that joke and my post gets erased, because someone didn’t watch enough Benny Hill growing up.

You’re having a really hard time with this binary thing, aren’t you?

The world isn’t binary.

I judge people by what they say.

Laura Ingraham”ruined” her own life by being a bitch.


All cars aren’t governed to 120 mph why exactly?