
if the pistol’s carried without a round in the chamber

In close quarters, a knife is almost preferred over a firearm.

A lot of CVTs have that feature. Usually a half dozen or so selectable “gears.”

Touching your junk with your hands just makes your junk dirty.

I pee with my hands on my hips while looking around with a smug smile.

Does drying your hands with a paper towel do more to clean them than soap?

We have acronyms whose letters also stand in for acronyms.

People sometimes have outsized confidence in their own abilities.

I hate putting my birthday on Facebook because I find it annoying to get “happy birthdayyyyy!!!!!!” messages from people I never interact with the other 364 days of the year.

I taught my dog to high-five. Then again, I’m a monster.

I got pulled over for making a left on a yellow. That was bullshit.

Cleveland loved Zydrunas Ilgauskas, too, and he was never the second-best player on the team. We loved him because he fought through foot surgery to come back and play for the Cavs. That, and he seemed like a regular guy.

No, just weirdly over-protective of her gifted son.

Secretary of the Interior, Ryan “me play joke” Zinke

I’ve played D&D in a tavern.

My S-I-L didn’t want her son watching the Disney Channel with my daughter because it was sexually inappropriate. I don’t know what Zack & Cody were up to that week.

I know. I was playing it straight.

Depends on the goal, doesn’t it?

There are plenty of things you can’t do.

It would help some people stop, but it would also have some people break the law. The overall effect would be fewer smokers.