
I feel the same way about tattoos.

I know several kids who participated in a walk out yesterday, and they didn’t do it to get out of school. They stood outside, in the freezing cold, silently for seventeen minutes. It wasn’t fun.

I was trying to be a little funny, yes.

Well, now. There might be a comparison to be made between Hillary and Hastert.

I’m glad my daughter picked Kent State over Bowling Green, what with the shooting and all.

Since you had a protest, was there another one the next day, then the day after that, etc? That’s what you were asserting, that one protest would lead to many, trivial ones.

Spacecraft are expensive, so you build them them best as you can. When things go awry, you improvise.

You realize that the camel’s nose argument is irrational, don’t you?

Sounds like Curtis should enjoy a negative consequence.

Some care more about their guns than they do your life.

I actually like the way our high school handled this.

That’s the other Hastert Rule.

I think they’re less influenced by propaganda than their opposition is.

innovations like the pizza tracker app

Anything’s possible.

IDGAF how much she has left.

Here’s the problem.

Just goes to show that if you see anyone with a gun you should preemptively shoot them, stab them, or toss a brick at their head. Otherwise, they might shoot you in the neck.

Or, you could be wrong.

It’s just a PIN for his iPad. No rando is going to know his street number.