
The people protesting this don’t seem to be well-informed.

That pun is nothing to crow about, so don’t get cocky.

Because the Peets didn’t sell coffee in cups?

  1. Should there be coffee available at the Yosemite Lodge?

I went diving and accidentally left my $2 Kmart watch on. It was fine. Only forty feet, but still.

We were on a training route for a few months. That was hell.

The address is the only thing that matters.

Priorities and best use of resources is a better conversation to be having.

I don’t bother with a note. I just put it back in the mailbox and put the flag up.

We could increase revenue (taxes). There’s ample room to do that, given how low they are.

A little. I can’t stand lazy employees.

Nothing has changed - for your FIL.

Open Borders is not a great plan since the United States cannot handle its current population with the current public programs.

I have no interest in a President who hasn’t, in some capacity, served our country.

Miller was asked two questions and took over eight minutes to tell us he didn’t know the answer to the first one. He never even attempted to answer the second.

The kids working at the Subway two blocks away work harder than the President does.

Except not one of those public bike programs has ever been run without losing a shit-ton of money. Not one.

- Muhammad Ali

You put french fries on a sandwich. What the fuck did you expect?

See? He’s moving. Just shake it off and let’s go!