
Here’s where I remind you that he lost the popular vote and that Republicans almost elected a child molester because Republicans are fucking stupid.

Elbow deep if your hands are help up over your head.

Once the car is started, it doesn’t make any fucking difference whether you “warm” the engine up or not. If anything, you do more damage by not driving it and warming it up quicker.

The problem with special prosecutors is they uncover criminal behavior.

Looks like an inlay. I like the look of inlays but haven’t had the chance to really do one.

Two reasons. One, as many have already said, is that it keeps the wipers from freezing to the windshield. The other reason is that you can get right to scraping the ice and snow off the windshield without having ti first dislodge and raise the wipers.

My coffee table was made to match the TV table.

Hooray for homemade coffee tables!

You really think the car that gets warmed up isn’t going to last longer than the car that doesn’t?

Is that an electrical conduit knock-out on a piece of what should be structural steel?

If you spoil your ballot, you get another ballot.

To be fair, the ballot with the crossed off vote was pretty clearly a vote for the republican. If I recall, every other candidate voted for was a Republican...

In your grocer’s freezer.

Eric looks like an ugly Gary Busey.


Also, I’m curious as to how you differentiate between, well, differential equations and calculus.

Looks like a lazy Halloween costume.

It’s the beater now. Typically, it would get replaced in a year-and-a-half but I don’t see the reason to switch it out. It’s fine for getting me to work.

It’s a rebuilding year.

A bag of Scotts Turfbuilder and she’s as good as new.