Donald Trump is racial, but he is not a racist.
Donald Trump is racial, but he is not a racist.
He should immediately be banned from all firearm ownership, and have all firearms in his home confiscated. People like this need to lose their access to firearms. Period.
Why would they do this? Do they think they’re being funny?
If a pizza can be a fucking pie, then a hot dog can be a sandwich if it wants.
His entitled spawn might cure cancer. Everything you’ve accomplished in life has depended on others. Just the ability to type this message was made possible by the work of tens of thousands of people, some of whom have already shuffled off this mortal coil.
Good questions. I would imagine that, like now, the estate would sell assets on the open market to acquire the funds to pay its taxes. The US Government prefers fungible assets, because they appropriate money on an annual basis.
Well, when you explain it like that, it all makes sense.
My point is that it’s political and societal, not particularly based on the economic system of capitalism.
Why deny them the dignity of work, if you love them?
Businesses get bought and sold every day.
The higher you set it, the less of the ultra rich’s money will ever get to the gov’t.
Estate taxes have nothing to do with capitalism.
No, he’s not saying that. A married couple is one legal financial entity.
Notice the adverb “essentially.” I know that defrauding is only one form of stealing.
As a result of pleading guilty, the company will pay a criminal fine of $5 million, along with $20 million in restitution to three railcar companies for the unnecessary repairs, according to the WSJ.
“no merit to the claims” my ass
We already have enough jobs.
Why would you hire these two new employees when you don’t need them?
Conference champion doesn’t hold much weight.
USC would have been a fine choice.