
Yes, bullshit.

We made our racist uncle the president.

...if he had killed 600 people, the response would likely have been significantly different...

You must shit in a bucket and bury it in the back yard.

Perfect. No frikkin’ millennials can check their facespaces when driving that.


They don’t have wallets in their pockets, either. They’re in uniform.

Perhaps NFL players should wear necklaces during games.

The Hillary administration has been disappointing.

republicans are going to start moving for impeachment the moment he signs the tax bill

Sumpin’ ain’t right wit’ dat boy.

Fawlty Towers had only 12 episodes total.

“If it was good enough for Mark Twain...”
- Sarah Huckabee

But here is the biggest reason Trump’s nasty nickname is racist: because Native Americans said so.

Now, now. Just eat the broken ones and share the rest. Oh fudge, now look. They’re all broken.

If you’re so worried, just break them. Broken cookies have no calories and aren’t at all bad for you. All the bad stuff flies away once the cookie is broken.

Why would you imagine that?

Get rid of steering wheels. All cars should be steered using two ropes.

We could make everyone in a car wear a football helmet and govern the cars to not exceed fifty miles per hour.

If you’re lucky and get old, you too will become a very shitty driver.