
You mispronounced that.

The DOE could turn PR into a large smart grid experiment.

I miss his bow tie. It completed the costume.

It’s not the ID requirement, itself, that skews voter participation. It is that, plus registration, plus polling locations, plus...well, you get the idea. Every additional barrier reduces the number of participants. And it does so in a very predictable and measureable way.

Not when it’s true.

I have a friend who is black and owns a Tesla. When she hears a mechanic advise people to change their oil every 3,000 miles, she doesn’t say, “Not all cars!”


Try getting your tanks refilled without a PADI or NAUI card.

They take a shitty rifle and make it a loud, shitty rifle. That’s kinda their appeal.

Democrats proposed banning bump stocks in 2013 but, you know, Congress and stuff.

We tried it your way and ya blew it.

Our government doesn’t fund abortions. It pays a pretty penny to kill people, though.

No one asked for your permission to engage in sexual activity.

You don’t meat sexism with racism!


Next up: the Yankees get fed to the woodchipper.


Oh for fucks sake, if the shoe was on the other foot, we wouldn’t be all “You know, she’s not wrong. Liberals do love to go to concerts to listen to music and inhale drugs.”

That’s because these idiots are convinced that every time the media reports on a mass shooting it’s a prelude to the government coming over to enforce stricter gun control.

Why does a civilian need a fucking machine gun?