
Especially if auto sales had the same consumer protections of every other purchase.

CVTs are better than other automatic transmissions. They’re lighter and more efficient. They also put more power to the wheels than anyone can with a manual.

Also, it’s a girl’s car.

“Anybody that don’t stand up for that ought to be out of the country. Period,” Petty said. “If they don’t appreciate where they’re at … what got them where they’re at? The United States.”

I take it for granite that I use the wrong phrase sometimes.

They look tacky as shit on Audis as well. They were never “cool.”

No tackier than LEDs around the headlights.

All available data supports your hypothesis.

You don’t even remember what it was really like to not exist.

You’re a life, ain’t ya? Beats the alternative.

I’m guessing this boy got Ds in science class.

Fuck. Me too. Oh, well. Don’t call me Shirley.

That doesn’t make any damn sense. How does “Julio Jones got 0 yards because they tackled him as he started every route” make the game better.

Why is the League as a whole “suddenly” unable to find decent quarterbacks

Horses kick each other for fun. There’s nothing you can do to a horse that’ll even register. All you’re going to do is look goofy trying to kick a horse. May as well splash water on a hippo.

People who smoke cigars a couple times a year are the worst.

  1. Don’t be afraid to visit NYC.

At my stage in my career, I’m essentially a guru. Not only is having others ask my opinion flattering, it’s what I do for a living.

I wonder what makes a grown adult believe in something called a satan.