

We don’t say it but we grok.

Hey, if the state of Alabama doesn’t want it protected, that’s fine. Take down the barriers. Leave a few sledgehammers and some rope behind. Walk away.

This is the exact type of person who should not be allowed to own a firearm. Ever.

“...would the Cowboys let someone play while out on bail...”

Clearly members of the master race.

If only we had some way of knowing all this before we elected him.

A functional adult wouldn’t retweet something so juvenile.

I disagree with his politics, but at least Hatch is a functioning adult. Can’t say that for the three ahead of him in line.

We looked at dozens of dogs and finally settled on one. Put her through behavioral tests and she did fine. Brought her home and she snapped at my kids.

This is the correct question.

Go on. Go on. They’re rapists, right?

The simpler explanation is that President Trump is a racist. There is plenty of history to back this up.

Now playing

I prefer to think of it as a slide whistle. It’s funnier that way.

I mean, the choices are (a) neo-Nazi or (b) a normal person. If you need to hem and haw over that, I have bad news for you.

Because it would be the twelfth time this summer.

There’s a difference between one nut and a full sack of them.

Looks like he used fiberboard. Maybe there’s a Lifehacker article in this: how to repurpose Ikea furniture as shield materials for your next racist parade.

You have the right to free speech, but it comes with a side dish of responsibility and accountability.

The shovel has a greater reach, and can be used during clean up, too.