
He actually can’t be indicted.

Their reaction in every single situation I have ever seen, heard, read about, or personally experienced is completely out of proportion to the reality of said situation.

You could replace anyone on that list with a bucket of sand and be better for it.

Well, if he’s functionally incompetent in that gig ...

That’s not a Texas thing. Those are all over. They’re meant to be used with small children and the disabled.

Because of all the laws that allow (encourage?) everyone else to be armed to the teeth everywhere at all times.

Letting them continue competing would if not be silently condoning their behavior, so at least reducing any punishment and atonement to mere gestures.

Another excellent example, made even funnier by Sean Spicer’s response to it:

It looks exactly like a staged photograph by someone who has never done actual work.

It’s better with the typo, somehow.

Hyundais from a decade or so ago were crap, too.

Electing him once is cause to break out the pink needle.

Driving through a puddle killed its wheel speed sensor?

Our humidifier puts out five ounces of water an hour, whereas our dehumidifier can only suck in nine per day.

No, you just need a fairly light vehicle to match.

There are a number of errors in table 2.

I’m not tailgating...

Fuck you. I’m wearing slip-ons right now. They look boss.

There was no mix there.”